American Avocet
Fact Sheet and Call links below

San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary, Irvine, CA. 11 July 2009. © Dave Furseth 2009.

San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary, Irvine, CA. 16 February 2008.


Emma Woods State Beach, Ventura, CA. 27 May 2006.

Emma Woods State Beach, Ventura, CA. 27 May 2006.

Emma Woods State Beach, Ventura, CA. 27 May 2006.

Emma Woods State Beach, Ventura, CA. 27 May 2006.


San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Lakeview, CA. 5 May 2003.

San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Lakeview, CA. 25 April 2004.

San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Lakeview, CA. 5 May 2015.

Fact Sheet


Calls of two pairs during circling display

Facts and Audio by Cornell University Ornithology Lab